Our Intentions for 2023-24





To take responsibility

All follow Jesus as priest (holy), prophet (witness),king (servant); staff are responsible for their work; children are responsible for their personal hygiene, welfare, safety & security (including online), behaviour, belongings, learning… life; all accept responsibility for environmental crisis; be better stewards of our common home.


To be contributing citizens of our community and world

Everyone identifies something worth sharing & share it willingly; children appreciate they are future & present of their community and can improve it; having identified what’s wrong in community, persuade everyone to put it right; the attitudes & values alive in our setting influence families and communities beyond the gate.


To offer the fulness of life to all, through our curriculum

Engage parents to explain & celebrate curriculum: how children enjoy learning, are ready for secondary & embrace life; expectation books, learning postcards, tasters… explain curriculum; skinnies provide context & ‘pub-quiz’ knowledge; independent, well-informed  learners, enjoy learning & contribute to life-choices


To elaborate our learning

All can make meaningful links between prior knowledge, what they are currently learning and their next steps; through a structured process, learners are guided to elaborate their learning by making connections; these connections between learning & life make knowledge & skills relevant; learners know & remember more.


To expect everyone to broaden and deepen their learning

Everyone can identify their favourite subject & an area to develop explaining how one helps improve the other; through deliberate-practise learners achieve accuracy & fluency in ‘redlines’; through support & effort learners ‘keep’ knowledge & skills they struggle to gain; everyone reads beyond the curriculum in areas of interest.





We are each helping achieve these intentions by:



Encourage all to: be holy; witness; serve others [5]; support each other to improve outcomes for children, explaining approaches we use, outcomes achieved, best practice adopted & shared [30]; encourage children to: be responsible for personal care & hygiene; be healthy, safe and secure (including online); behave impeccably; respect own & others belongings; always give of their best in learning and life [23]; recognising the damaging impact we have on environment & ecology, all invest time & effort in living more sustainably & engaging in projects to recover our world [3]


Identify something worth sharing in all & develop ways of sharing in setting, then, offer these in our community [12]; help children recognise they are part of their community now & in future, then, engender a sense of pride & civic duty to contribute to improving our community/world [12]; identify things that are wrong in communities and help children choose something to improve, then, work with them to bring about change [9]; help children identify values & attitudes making our setting a ‘good’ place, then, find ways to extend these ways of being into families & communities [14].


Engage parents in curriculum to: explain what, why & how children learn; show they enjoy opportunities it provides; and, demonstrate it is essential for secondary school and as education for life [10]; outline our curriculum by updating  expectation booklets, learning postcards… and developing ‘taster’ or information sessions [7]; perfect ‘skinnies’ (knowledge cards) books that not only support contexts for learning, but provide good general knowledge [7]; model & demonstrate how to learn, being explicit about the journey, so learners are well-informed when making life-choices [14].


Practitioners make explicit links between prior knowledge, new learning & next steps to give learning meaning [6]; develop a process to help learners elaborate learning; trial & adjust; guide learners through process to connect learning into networks of knowledge [3]; encourage all to connect learning & knowledge to life now & future so learning makes sense & is relevant [13]; devise ways to recognise learners know more after learning or practise; develop, trial & deploy ways to demonstrate to learners & practitioners they recall & remember what they have learnt and practised [15].


Encourage learners to recognise subject they enjoy or in which they excel, then link area to develop so they practise both together (tutoring) [10]; support deliberate practise of basics, such as number bonds, tables facts or high frequency spellings, until known, making learning real [10]; support learners to ‘keep’ knowledge & skills achieved – phonics, times tables, facilitation skills – by encouraging accurate & fluent recall in quizzes/games [6]; encourage reading – paired-reading, book-club – texts beyond the curriculum in areas of mutual interest, and facilitate sharing the learning [14].