Bay room caters for children from the age of two until the September before their fourth birthday. For some children in this room it is a continuity of care and learning as they have made the transition from Rock Pool room. For others, it may be their first experience of nursery and interacting with other children. Learning here is based around all areas of learning; 3 prime areas, Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Communication & Language Development and Physical Development as well as the 4 specific areas of Mathematics, Literacy, Understanding of the World and Expressive Art & Design. Emphasis is given to the three prime areas as well as Mathematics and Literacy. Adult led learning is provided using ‘circle’ and ‘learning’ times. Circle time is aimed at supporting the children in their P.S.E. and C&L development, whilst learning time is predominantly focused on Phonics and Mathematics. Children have daily access to ‘Red lines of learning’ and also ‘Peaceful Poses’. Practitioners help children to develop their social skills as they begin to make friends, providing activities with emphasis on taking turns and sharing. The outdoor environment gives the children an opportunity to explore, free play and begin to build upon their own knowledge and ideas. We actively encourage the children to take risks as they develop in confidence, meaning bumps and scrapes are a usual part of learning at this age. We also promote independence in self-care from feeding themselves, to using the toilet to putting on a coat independently.

Red Lines of Learning

During the course of this year the basic skills that we expect children of this age to master, so that they are ready for Sea Room are as follow:

PSED Physical/ handwrite Read Communication and Language Write Maths Science
Can take turns and share resources. Feed self competently with a knife, fork and spoon.  Read own name. Respond to simple who? what? where? questions.   Trace own name.  Recites number names in sequence; sorts by size colour. Senses as tools for observation.

Children start their learning in phonics following the Letters & Sounds Programme.