Rock Pool room caters for children from the age of one until the September before their third birthday. Children are introduced to a routine and can develop positive attachments. For some children it is their first experience of interacting with other children. Children’s development is very rapid and parents will be able to see their child quickly grow in confidence and ability. We focus on children’s development in the 3 prime areas; personal, social & emotional development, communication & language and physical development. These are the areas that underpin all children’s learning. There is also a large emphasis on enjoying books, mark making, creative activities and mathematics. Children can explore, investigate and learn in a safe, stimulating place. Staff help children to develop curiosity, co-ordination and physical abilities. The outdoor environment gives the children the chance to explore, use their senses and be physically active supported by our experienced learning and care practitioners. We actively encourage taking risks and as such bumps and knocks are a normal part of learning at this age.

Red Lines of Learning

During the course of this year the basic skills that we expect children of this age to master, so that they are ready for Bay Room are as follow:

PSED Physical/ handwrite Read Communication and Language Write Maths Science
Learn some things are theirs and other things belong to others. Feed self independently with a spoon and fork. Recognise familiar stories, own ‘peg pictures’ & belongings. Understand simple instructions / statements. Purposeful drawing. Beginning to organise and categorise objects. Notice belongings in the environment.